"There must be no escape from justice"

Marko Djuric said regarding <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2015&mm=05&dd=29&nav_id=94277" class="text-link" target= "_blank">the postponement</a> of Kosovo assembly's session on establishing a special court that "there must be no escape from justice."

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 29.05.2015.


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"There must be no escape from justice"

Djuric added that Serbia "politically supports every step that brings us closer to that - the establishment of the Special Court, the prosecution of those responsible for the crimes."

He said that it was "essential that the Kosovo assembly as soon as possible deals with this issue."

A session that was to discuss constitutional amendments in order to establish the court was postponed in Pristina today at Hashim Thaci's PDK party's request, "because MPs did not receive material from Brussels about the Special Court."

"Further clarification of the term 'genocide', which at the request of some EU countries is included in the draft law, is the reason for the postponement," said Driton Lajci.

Pristina-based media reported earlier in the day that this outcome was possible "because of strong pressures and simultaneous protests of former KLA fighters." The court should deal with the war crimes committed by the KLA.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic reacted on Friday to "express his regret over the cancellation of the session," and add that the court would be important "not only for Serbs in Kosovo, but equally for Albanians."

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