Dual education "essential and strategic for changes"

According to Aleksandar Vucic "dual education is essential and strategic for changes in Serbia, our way of thinking and our future."

Izvor: B92

Monday, 06.02.2017.


Dual education
Dell’Ambrogio and Vucic are seen in Belgrade on Monday (Tanjug)

Dual education "essential and strategic for changes"

According to the Serbian government, Vucic "stressed that our commitment is to be in the EU and that we belong to a society that will always find a way out of every crisis in changing oneself, hard work, innovation and scientific and technological development."

"That is why we recommend more resources into innovative technology, science and digital Serbia. Serbia over the next three years will have a growth of 3.5 to 4 percent. That it will not be sustainable unless we reform education," Vucic said.

The prime minister then "recalled that Switzerland has allocated CHF 1 million for the technological park in Belgrade, while our country has set aside 20 times more money to invest in this sector."

State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation of the Swiss Confederation Mauro Dell’Ambrogio pointed out that youth unemployment in Europe is lower than in countries with dual system of education.

He noted that the Swiss Constitution "provides that academic and vocational education have the same value, while economic competitiveness is achieved thanks to good education, both dual and university."

According to him, the dual education in Switzerland is somewhat different from that in Germany and Austria, noting that every country has to adapt its dual education system ti its own history, culture and tradition.

Dell’Ambrogio said that 50 percent of the Swiss population have a university degree, while only 5 percent of people born in this country have no diploma.

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