Al-Jazeera to start broadcasting in Balkans in fall

The pan-Arab satellite news network Al-Jazeera will start broadcasting its program in the Balkans in September.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 29.03.2011.


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The pan-Arab satellite news network Al-Jazeera will start broadcasting its program in the Balkans in September. The network's officials hope that their television would become an informational center in the Balkan region. Al-Jazeera to start broadcasting in Balkans in fall “There are over 100 TV stations in the region at the moment. We cannot hope to become a competition to them on the local level, but Al-Jazeera will offer its regional access, an idea which was abandoned in the 90's due to wars and emotions those conflicts triggered,” Al-Jazeera Director for the Balkans Goran Milic said. The Qatar-based pan-Arab television network invested over USD 20mn in its Balkan project, based in Bosnia, and it will employ around 100 reporters, cameramen and other staff, news agencies said.

Al-Jazeera to start broadcasting in Balkans in fall

“There are over 100 TV stations in the region at the moment. We cannot hope to become a competition to them on the local level, but Al-Jazeera will offer its regional access, an idea which was abandoned in the 90's due to wars and emotions those conflicts triggered,” Al-Jazeera Director for the Balkans Goran Milić said.

The Qatar-based pan-Arab television network invested over USD 20mn in its Balkan project, based in Bosnia, and it will employ around 100 reporters, cameramen and other staff, news agencies said.

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