Inzko: Break-up of Bosnia not option

International High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina Valentin Inzko said that a break-up of Bosnia-Herzegovina is not an option.

Izvor: FoNet

Saturday, 19.09.2009.


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International High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina Valentin Inzko said that a break-up of Bosnia-Herzegovina is not an option. He said that the international community must work to protect the integrity of Bosnia. Inzko: Break-up of Bosnia not option “That is not an option,” Inzko said on Friday in Sarajevo, asked by journalists to comment the statements of Republic of Srpska Prime Minister Milorad Dodik and Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency officials Nebojsa Radmanovic in which a break-up of the country were being mentioned. “The international community is in Bosnia-Herzegovina in order to protect its integrity and sovereignty. I think that this is what Bosnia-Herzegovina’s neighbors want as well,” he said. Inzko said that while visiting Pale, Serbian President Boris Tadic said that he supports the integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and that he wants the country to be united and join NATO and the European Union. Inzko said that he also talked to Croatian Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Goran Jandrokovic, who shared Tadic’s stance on Bosnia-Herzegovina. Valentin Incko (FoNet archive)

Inzko: Break-up of Bosnia not option

“That is not an option,” Inzko said on Friday in Sarajevo, asked by journalists to comment the statements of Republic of Srpska Prime Minister Milorad Dodik and Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency officials Nebojša Radmanović in which a break-up of the country were being mentioned.

“The international community is in Bosnia-Herzegovina in order to protect its integrity and sovereignty. I think that this is what Bosnia-Herzegovina’s neighbors want as well,” he said.

Inzko said that while visiting Pale, Serbian President Boris Tadić said that he supports the integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and that he wants the country to be united and join NATO and the European Union.

Inzko said that he also talked to Croatian Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Goran Jandroković, who shared Tadić’s stance on Bosnia-Herzegovina.

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