"Goal of incidents is for Serbs not to vote"

Oliver Ivanović has said that political motives were behind the explosion in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 14.10.2013.


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KOSOVSKA MITROVICA Oliver Ivanovic has said that political motives were behind the explosion in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday. This candidate for Kosovska Mitrovica mayor and former government official told B92 that the goal was to scare the Serbs out of voting in the coming local elections. "Goal of incidents is for Serbs not to vote" The apartment outside of which the explosive device was placed belongs to a candidate from the Serbian Liberal Party's list and it is clear that the motive for the attack was political, with the goal of spreading fear among the voters and reducing the turnout, he said. "I doubt that some Albanian can appear at 4 a.m. and plant explosives. I cannot be certain, we will wait for the results of the investigation, but my opinion is that it was most likely a Serb. It is an evil that has entered us," he stated. The similar incidents that happened before have not been solved, he noted, pointing to an attack on his apartment as an example and adding that such things would happen again if nothing changed. The Serbian police also need to get involved in solving those cases, as they are respected by the people in Kosovo and feared by criminals, Ivanovic remarked. Cooperation between EULEX, the Kosovo police and the Serbian police is necessary, he believes. (Beta, file) B92 Tanjug

"Goal of incidents is for Serbs not to vote"

The apartment outside of which the explosive device was placed belongs to a candidate from the Serbian Liberal Party's list and it is clear that the motive for the attack was political, with the goal of spreading fear among the voters and reducing the turnout, he said.

"I doubt that some Albanian can appear at 4 a.m. and plant explosives. I cannot be certain, we will wait for the results of the investigation, but my opinion is that it was most likely a Serb. It is an evil that has entered us," he stated.

The similar incidents that happened before have not been solved, he noted, pointing to an attack on his apartment as an example and adding that such things would happen again if nothing changed.

The Serbian police also need to get involved in solving those cases, as they are respected by the people in Kosovo and feared by criminals, Ivanović remarked.

Cooperation between EULEX, the Kosovo police and the Serbian police is necessary, he believes.

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