Serbia favors withdrawal of genocide lawsuits

Government Coordinator for Media Relations Slobodan Homen says it would be best if Serbia and Croatia were to withdraw their mutual genocide lawsuits.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 03.11.2011.


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Government Coordinator for Media Relations Slobodan Homen says it would be best if Serbia and Croatia were to withdraw their mutual genocide lawsuits. If it does not happen, Serbia will defend its interests, Home stated on Thursday. Serbia favors withdrawal of genocide lawsuits He told a news conference after a government session that the stand of the Serbian government, which was highlighted on several occasions, is that it would be best to withdraw the lawsuits, but that it is aware that this takes political will on both sides. Serbia will persevere because it is the best solution, and specific actions will be decided by its team entrusted with this issue, Homen said. He added that if Croatia does not agree to the withdrawal, Serbia will defend its interests. Slobodan Homen (FoNet, file)

Serbia favors withdrawal of genocide lawsuits

He told a news conference after a government session that the stand of the Serbian government, which was highlighted on several occasions, is that it would be best to withdraw the lawsuits, but that it is aware that this takes political will on both sides.

Serbia will persevere because it is the best solution, and specific actions will be decided by its team entrusted with this issue, Homen said.

He added that if Croatia does not agree to the withdrawal, Serbia will defend its interests.

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