Party says New Guinea "recognized Kosovo"

The opposition New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) says Papua New Guinea has recognized Kosovo as independent.

Izvor: FoNet

Tuesday, 22.12.2009.


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The opposition New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) says Papua New Guinea has recognized Kosovo as independent. The ethnic Albanian party said in a statement in Pristina that this came as a result of the "lobbying" of its leader Behgjet Pacolli. Party says New Guinea "recognized Kosovo" Local TV Clan reports that the letter that should make this official would be sent in January. Kosovo's ethnic Albanians in February 2008 unilaterally declared independence. Belgrade rejected this as an illegal act of secession.

Party says New Guinea "recognized Kosovo"

Local TV Clan reports that the letter that should make this official would be sent in January.

Kosovo's ethnic Albanians in February 2008 unilaterally declared independence. Belgrade rejected this as an illegal act of secession.

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