“Serbia will get EU talks date by next summer”

Serbian government’s EU Integration Office Director Milan Pajević expects Serbia to get a date for the beginning of the EU accession talks by next summer.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 21.08.2012.


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BELGRADE Serbian government’s EU Integration Office Director Milan Pajevic expects Serbia to get a date for the beginning of the EU accession talks by next summer. “We can hope to get the date by next summer and that we will start the negotiations soon,” he told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS). “Serbia will get EU talks date by next summer” Pajevic added that Serbia would get a date for the beginning of the EU accession talks once the EU assessed that all the conditions had been fulfilled. He stressed that Serbia should attend all meetings where Pristina's representatives were present because it was good for the state to defend its interests at such meetings. “It is in our interest to attend the gatherings where we should defend our interests. Regional cooperation is extremely important not only for political, but for trade and economic reasons as well,” the EU Integration Office director explained. Pajevic stressed, however, that it was important that Kosovo was represented with the footnote referring to its status in all documents. Milan Pajevic (Tanjug) Beta RTS

“Serbia will get EU talks date by next summer”

Pajević added that Serbia would get a date for the beginning of the EU accession talks once the EU assessed that all the conditions had been fulfilled.

He stressed that Serbia should attend all meetings where Priština's representatives were present because it was good for the state to defend its interests at such meetings.

“It is in our interest to attend the gatherings where we should defend our interests. Regional cooperation is extremely important not only for political, but for trade and economic reasons as well,” the EU Integration Office director explained.

Pajević stressed, however, that it was important that Kosovo was represented with the footnote referring to its status in all documents.

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