Slovenian PM in surprise trip to Belgrade

Slovenia's PM Borut Pahor last night suddenly left for Belgrade, Ljubljana-based daily Delo writes today.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 18.03.2010.


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Slovenia's PM Borut Pahor last night suddenly left for Belgrade, Ljubljana-based daily Delo writes today. The reason for the trip is Pahor's attempt to avoid "unpleasant surprises" as an informal regional conference opens in Slovenia on Saturday, says the newspaper. Slovenian PM in surprise trip to Belgrade The article said that Pahor was in Belgrade for talks with Serbian President Boris Tadic. Tadic's cabinet has in the meantime confirmed that the meeting took place. Pahor did not reveal more details concerning his trip to Belgrade as he spoke in a news confrence in Ljubljana this afternoon. Less than two days before the start of the conference, Serbia's representative is the only one that has not confirmed attendance, writes the newspaper. Serbia remains steadfast in its initial demand – that the Kosovo Albanian delegation be represented as Kosovo-UNMIK, in line with UNSCR 1244, while Pristina wishes to attend as an "independent state under its own name". Slovenia has thus far managed to come up with a proposed solution that would see all participants take part without their state symbols on display – something that Serbia also rejected. Tadic sticks to his guns The participation of Serbia at the conference in Slovenia depends entirely on whether representatives of Kosovo's Albanians will be represented in accordance with Resolution 1244, Serbian President Boris Tadic stated once again today “If the conference were to take palce without Serbia’s presence, nobody would have the right to accuse us, because we expressed our principal position about participating loud and clear right at the beginning, and rules under which Serbia could take part were known. For this reason it is completely superfluous, I can even say inappropriate, that some international envoys, whether they are rapporteurs of the European Parliament or some other, are trying to lecture Serbia on what it should do in that sense,” the president told Tanjug news agency during an interview. “Serbia neither accepts nor recognizes Kosovo's independence, and it will not do so. Therefore, it is not necessary for anyone to try to talk us into it, or blackmail us to do something like that, because that is mission impossible. On the other hand, Serbia wants to solve problems related to the technical functioning in a rational way, but in such a way that the solving of those problems does not include an implicit recognition of independence of Kosovo and Metohija,” he stressed. Tadic added that he was confident that it was possible to find solutions for everyday life issues, transport, communications, fight against crime, but also for participation in regional forums – all within the UN framework.

Slovenian PM in surprise trip to Belgrade

The article said that Pahor was in Belgrade for talks with Serbian President Boris Tadić. Tadić's cabinet has in the meantime confirmed that the meeting took place.

Pahor did not reveal more details concerning his trip to Belgrade as he spoke in a news confrence in Ljubljana this afternoon.

Less than two days before the start of the conference, Serbia's representative is the only one that has not confirmed attendance, writes the newspaper.

Serbia remains steadfast in its initial demand – that the Kosovo Albanian delegation be represented as Kosovo-UNMIK, in line with UNSCR 1244, while Priština wishes to attend as an "independent state under its own name".

Slovenia has thus far managed to come up with a proposed solution that would see all participants take part without their state symbols on display – something that Serbia also rejected.

Tadić sticks to his guns

The participation of Serbia at the conference in Slovenia depends entirely on whether representatives of Kosovo's Albanians will be represented in accordance with Resolution 1244, Serbian President Boris Tadić stated once again today

“If the conference were to take palce without Serbia’s presence, nobody would have the right to accuse us, because we expressed our principal position about participating loud and clear right at the beginning, and rules under which Serbia could take part were known. For this reason it is completely superfluous, I can even say inappropriate, that some international envoys, whether they are rapporteurs of the European Parliament or some other, are trying to lecture Serbia on what it should do in that sense,” the president told Tanjug news agency during an interview.

“Serbia neither accepts nor recognizes Kosovo's independence, and it will not do so. Therefore, it is not necessary for anyone to try to talk us into it, or blackmail us to do something like that, because that is mission impossible. On the other hand, Serbia wants to solve problems related to the technical functioning in a rational way, but in such a way that the solving of those problems does not include an implicit recognition of independence of Kosovo and Metohija,” he stressed.

Tadić added that he was confident that it was possible to find solutions for everyday life issues, transport, communications, fight against crime, but also for participation in regional forums – all within the UN framework.

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