Situation in Bosnia "at boiling point"

RS Parliament Speaker Igor Radojičić said that the events surrounding the arrest of Jovan Divjak have brought the situation in Bosnia to the boiling point.

Izvor: Dnevnik

Monday, 14.03.2011.


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RS Parliament Speaker Igor Radojicic said that the events surrounding the arrest of Jovan Divjak have brought the situation in Bosnia to the boiling point. He added that a special session of the Republic of Srpska (RS) parliament will probably be held toward the end of March. Situation in Bosnia "at boiling point" "RS cannot sit idly by and watch all of this unfold," Radojicic said in an interview for the Novi Sad daily Dnevnik, saying that tensions were running high in Bosnia as it is. Divjak's arrest in Austria and "everything that followed in Sarajevo, ending with the city posting the EUR 500,000 bail, has brought the situation to the boiling point," said the RS parliament speaker. Radojicic pointed out that after Divjak's arrest all top Bosniak officials intervened - before Bosnia and RS, which was not consulted - on behalf of a man accused of war crimes. "This is not the first time, we saw a similar scenario when wartime member of the Bosnia Presidency Ejup Ganic was arrested in London. We must react to this," Radojicic concluded. RS President Milorad Dodik said earlier he will call a special parliament session to discuss the prosecution of war crimes against Serbs to date, as well as the behavior of high-level international officials in Bosnia. Dodik also announced that he will ask the RS police to arrest Ganic and Divjak "the minute they enter RS territory" and turn them over to the Serbian authorities for war crimes committed by the Muslim forces against the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) troops retreating from Sarajevo in May in 1992.

Situation in Bosnia "at boiling point"

"RS cannot sit idly by and watch all of this unfold," Radojičić said in an interview for the Novi Sad daily Dnevnik, saying that tensions were running high in Bosnia as it is.

Divjak's arrest in Austria and "everything that followed in Sarajevo, ending with the city posting the EUR 500,000 bail, has brought the situation to the boiling point," said the RS parliament speaker.

Radojičić pointed out that after Divjak's arrest all top Bosniak officials intervened - before Bosnia and RS, which was not consulted - on behalf of a man accused of war crimes.

"This is not the first time, we saw a similar scenario when wartime member of the Bosnia Presidency Ejup Ganić was arrested in London. We must react to this," Radojičić concluded.

RS President Milorad Dodik said earlier he will call a special parliament session to discuss the prosecution of war crimes against Serbs to date, as well as the behavior of high-level international officials in Bosnia.

Dodik also announced that he will ask the RS police to arrest Ganić and Divjak "the minute they enter RS territory" and turn them over to the Serbian authorities for war crimes committed by the Muslim forces against the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) troops retreating from Sarajevo in May in 1992.

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