ITU "to include Kosovo footnote" in dialing code docs

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) "will not recognize Kosovo's independence," the Pristina-based daily Koha Ditore writes on Tuesday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 15.11.2016.


(Getty Images, file)

ITU "to include Kosovo footnote" in dialing code docs

The documents related to the Belgrade-Pristina agreement "on the telephone code" show that the ITU will include "the footnote on Kosovo" in the technical annexes, the article said.

The footnote in question concerns treating Kosovo without prejudice to its status, and in compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and the opinion of the International Court of Justice on the declaration of Kosovo's independence, the daily writes.

At the same time, NISMA party leader Fatmir Limaj is quoted as saying that with the agreement reached in Brussels, the Kosovo government "allowed the Serbian operator to work in Kosovo," the KosovaPress agency said on Tuesday.

According to Limaj, the government has "ignored and violated valid laws."

He also posted on Facebook that the agreement on telecommunications "definitely undermines the market value of Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo (PTK), beside causing other economic damages."

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