Plassnik: Kosovo - maturity test for EU

The resolution of Kosovo’s future status is the test of maturity for the European Union, Ursula Plassnik has said.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 27.08.2007.


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The resolution of Kosovo’s future status is the test of maturity for the European Union, Ursula Plassnik has said. Speaking at the opening of political talks at the European Forum Alpbach In Vienna on Sunday, the Austrian foreign minister said the European Union was "a lifelong-learning organization" and that Kosovo was "the test of maturity for its common foreign policy." Plassnik: Kosovo - maturity test for EU She stressed that it remained to be seen whether Europe could maintain its own clear stand on this issue. “We will also see if the European Union will be able to find its single profile towards Russia.” “Partnership is the central notion of the European foreign policy and guiding idea of the 21st century,” Plassnik said and added that the European Union was “the success of multilateralism, succeeding in uniting a war-torn continent through partnership.”

Plassnik: Kosovo - maturity test for EU

She stressed that it remained to be seen whether Europe could maintain its own clear stand on this issue.

“We will also see if the European Union will be able to find its single profile towards Russia.”

“Partnership is the central notion of the European foreign policy and guiding idea of the 21st century,” Plassnik said and added that the European Union was “the success of multilateralism, succeeding in uniting a war-torn continent through partnership.”

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