Kosovo Serb died at U.S. embassy

Zoran Vujović, 21, has been identified as the victim in Thursday's fire at the U.S. embassy in Belgrade.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 23.02.2008.


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Zoran Vujovic, 21, has been identified as the victim in Thursday's fire at the U.S. embassy in Belgrade. Vujovic, whose family now resides in Novi Sad, was a Kosovo Serb, forced out of the province when he was 12 years old. His identity was determined through DNA analysis, a spokesman for a district court in Belgrade said. Kosovo Serb died at U.S. embassy The exact cause and circumstances of his death were not given, according to agencies' reports. Vujovic's charred body was recovered from the embassy, which was vandalized and set on fire Thursday, after several hundred rioters attacked the building, while a mass peaceful rally was ongoing in Belgrade. The post mortem, conducted at the Belgrade military clinic, VMA, took 12 hours Friday. But the identity could not be confirmed, since even the bones of the victim's arms and legs were completely burned, reports say. He was first identified by his father, Milan Vujovic, who recognized some of the personal belongings that were recovered, including his son's gold chain. The DNA analysis later confirmed this. His parents reported Vujovic missing late Thursday. On Friday, the victim's father was looking for his son in MUP detention facilities, thinking that he may have been detained during the unrest. The Vujovic family were expelled from Caglavica, near Pristina, in July 1999.

Kosovo Serb died at U.S. embassy

The exact cause and circumstances of his death were not given, according to agencies' reports. Vujović's charred body was recovered from the embassy, which was vandalized and set on fire Thursday, after several hundred rioters attacked the building, while a mass peaceful rally was ongoing in Belgrade.

The post mortem, conducted at the Belgrade military clinic, VMA, took 12 hours Friday. But the identity could not be confirmed, since even the bones of the victim's arms and legs were completely burned, reports say.

He was first identified by his father, Milan Vujović, who recognized some of the personal belongings that were recovered, including his son's gold chain. The DNA analysis later confirmed this.

His parents reported Vujović missing late Thursday. On Friday, the victim's father was looking for his son in MUP detention facilities, thinking that he may have been detained during the unrest.

The Vujović family were expelled from Čaglavica, near Priština, in July 1999.

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