Cyprus and Slovenia strengthen ties

The Cypriot Foreign Minister and her Slovenian counterpart signed a memorandum on cooperation in Brussels.

Izvor: CNA

Tuesday, 24.07.2007.


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Cyprus and Slovenia strengthen ties

Slovene Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel said the memorandum reaffirms the excellent relations between the two countries and that he looked forward to cooperation, not only within the EU, but also in the context of Mediterranean cooperation.

Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou Markoulli noted that the memorandum would establish the relations between Cyprus and Slovenia and assured the two ministries would continue to cooperate closely.

In Brussels, Markoulli had a series of meetings on the sidelines of the General Affairs Council, including her counterparts of Portugal, Finland and Sweden, with whom she discussed the Cyprus problem, relations between the EU and Turkey, the Middle East question and the situation in Turkey after the elections.

Markoulli said she informed her counterparts on developments in the Cyprus problem, especially the July 8, 2006 Agreement and the deadlocks created by the Turkish side, and requested their interventions towards Ankara, which is ''the key'' to the solution.

Asked about the issue of direct trade with the areas in Cyprus over which the government does not exercise effective control, Markoulli said the parameters for settling the issue was the reunification of Cyprus, economic integration, contacts between the two sides on the island, and the economic growth of the Turkish Cypriot community, within the context of legality and respect towards the sovereignty of the EU member state, namely the Republic of Cyprus.

Referring to the results of the elections in Turkey, Markoulli said it was positive that Recep Tayyip Erdogan increased his percentage power but noted that ''for us the role of the army is important, which has neither changed nor will change.''

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