Tuesday, 24.07.2007.


Cyprus and Slovenia strengthen ties

The Cypriot Foreign Minister and her Slovenian counterpart signed a memorandum on cooperation in Brussels.

Izvor: CNA

Cyprus and Slovenia strengthen ties IMAGE SOURCE

9 Komentari

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pre 16 godina

Gee, it seems that when it is beneficial, Kosovo Albanians are “secular” and “moderate” and then they can suddenly become “Albanian Muslims” when it is deemed necessary.
In the spring of this year, at an open hearing of the US House of Representatives, Tom Lantos, a democrat from California said: “Just a reminder to the predominantly Muslim-led government[s] in this world that here is yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe. This should be noted by both responsible leaders of Islamic governments, such as Indonesia, and also for jihadists of all color and hue. The United States' principles are universal, and in this instance, the United States stands foursquare for the creation of an overwhelmingly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe.”
State Dept. Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Nicholas Burns, also spoke at this hearing and stated that “92 to 94 percent of the people who now live in Kosovo are Albanian Muslims.”
In April of this year, Mufti Naim Ternava, president of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, was in Michigan as part of a visit to the US to gain support for making Kosovo an independent country…“Pray for the independence of Kosovo,” Ternava said through a translator during the Friday sermon to about two hundred Muslims at the Muslim Center of Detroit on Davison Ave. “Thousands of miles away from here, there are Muslim brothers in Kosovo who suffered for many, many years and who…went as shahids (martyrs) during all these sufferings [in Kosovo].”
Hopefully, the majority of people in this world develop their opinions based on factual information and not generational hatred (as we often read on this site), ignorance and political gain.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Luciano said ; violance by islamists in Kosova. I live and work inKosova and I don't see any islamists as you claim, maybe you are refering to another country.I was born a muslim but i drink rakija more than you do , how does that sound for starter. Most of you trying to potray kosova as islamist has failed becasue that is pure propaganda. You go to any city in Kosova and look for yourself including villages and you will see that your word islamist is just an illusion in your mind.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet Isufi said:

"I fully support what Vassiliou is saying. Most of the money that milosheviq hid in those banks came from BANKOS(Bank of Kosova)and pension funds of Kosova. That money has to come back to rightfull people."

Please supply supporting documentation. Where is your proof? Why is B92 allowing him make it past the cutting room floor, repeatedly? We need more prood, and less emotions.


pre 16 godina

The Cyprus experience is what Serbia is in for.The EU should use the same criteria for both Cyprus and Serbia no matter how long it takes.There should be no artificial deadlines based on idiotic reasons or the fear of violence by the Islamists in Kosovo.They must be dealt with just like the Taliban.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Your coment hit it right on the mark with exeption of pension money but other things about there is no infrastructue and everything else is very much the truth. Your statemant contriadicts other serb camp that serbia invested its money to built Kosova. I can tell you a story about a bridge built in Klina vicinity just becasue one serb was living accros the river, but you take a ride to any village inhabited with Albaninas and roads that conect villages with only albanians were never paved and actually they were put extra obsticles so as to amke it harder for them to move around. This was state sponsered oppression openly.


pre 16 godina

What are you talking about Ahmet why should these Albanians in Kosovo recieve any money?

When they decided to boycott the institutions and activly riot against the Serb minority they forfitted their right to pensions or any kind of money from Belgrade.

You cannot have it boths ways, as is so often said to Albanians.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet, although I am not a fan of Milosevic at all, you have to be kidding to have the notion that "most of the money came from the pensions of Kosovo". Kosovo has always been the poorest part of the former Yugoslavia with absolutely no GNP. Even today the Kosovars must include foreign sent moneies as the most vital part of their GNP. Milosevic robbed all of the region and specifically forcused on the booty left behind by Tito. I have visited Kosovo there is no infrastructure, no work and the most people per square mile in all of Europe. There is almost no industry..nothing but a wastleland!

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

I fully support what Vassiliou is saying. Most of the money that milosheviq hid in those banks came from BANKOS(Bank of Kosova)and pension funds of Kosova. That money has to come back to rightfull people.

Marios Vassiliou

pre 16 godina

The Cypriot president and his foreign minister should also visit Belgrade and give evidence for the millions of dollars that gone missing during the Milosevic era.
Evidence here in the island say that all the money was carried from Belgrade via the diplomatic route and deposited in accounts of offshore companies owned by the Milosevic family.

The law office that registered these companies is owned by the Papadopoulos family, cuurent Cypriot President.

The Cypriot Central bank has the moral obligation to investigate this matter and not exchange political support with silence.

We Greek Cypriots are of a better cast of people than what our leaders are showing.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet, although I am not a fan of Milosevic at all, you have to be kidding to have the notion that "most of the money came from the pensions of Kosovo". Kosovo has always been the poorest part of the former Yugoslavia with absolutely no GNP. Even today the Kosovars must include foreign sent moneies as the most vital part of their GNP. Milosevic robbed all of the region and specifically forcused on the booty left behind by Tito. I have visited Kosovo there is no infrastructure, no work and the most people per square mile in all of Europe. There is almost no industry..nothing but a wastleland!

Marios Vassiliou

pre 16 godina

The Cypriot president and his foreign minister should also visit Belgrade and give evidence for the millions of dollars that gone missing during the Milosevic era.
Evidence here in the island say that all the money was carried from Belgrade via the diplomatic route and deposited in accounts of offshore companies owned by the Milosevic family.

The law office that registered these companies is owned by the Papadopoulos family, cuurent Cypriot President.

The Cypriot Central bank has the moral obligation to investigate this matter and not exchange political support with silence.

We Greek Cypriots are of a better cast of people than what our leaders are showing.


pre 16 godina

What are you talking about Ahmet why should these Albanians in Kosovo recieve any money?

When they decided to boycott the institutions and activly riot against the Serb minority they forfitted their right to pensions or any kind of money from Belgrade.

You cannot have it boths ways, as is so often said to Albanians.


pre 16 godina

Gee, it seems that when it is beneficial, Kosovo Albanians are “secular” and “moderate” and then they can suddenly become “Albanian Muslims” when it is deemed necessary.
In the spring of this year, at an open hearing of the US House of Representatives, Tom Lantos, a democrat from California said: “Just a reminder to the predominantly Muslim-led government[s] in this world that here is yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe. This should be noted by both responsible leaders of Islamic governments, such as Indonesia, and also for jihadists of all color and hue. The United States' principles are universal, and in this instance, the United States stands foursquare for the creation of an overwhelmingly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe.”
State Dept. Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Nicholas Burns, also spoke at this hearing and stated that “92 to 94 percent of the people who now live in Kosovo are Albanian Muslims.”
In April of this year, Mufti Naim Ternava, president of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, was in Michigan as part of a visit to the US to gain support for making Kosovo an independent country…“Pray for the independence of Kosovo,” Ternava said through a translator during the Friday sermon to about two hundred Muslims at the Muslim Center of Detroit on Davison Ave. “Thousands of miles away from here, there are Muslim brothers in Kosovo who suffered for many, many years and who…went as shahids (martyrs) during all these sufferings [in Kosovo].”
Hopefully, the majority of people in this world develop their opinions based on factual information and not generational hatred (as we often read on this site), ignorance and political gain.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

I fully support what Vassiliou is saying. Most of the money that milosheviq hid in those banks came from BANKOS(Bank of Kosova)and pension funds of Kosova. That money has to come back to rightfull people.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Your coment hit it right on the mark with exeption of pension money but other things about there is no infrastructue and everything else is very much the truth. Your statemant contriadicts other serb camp that serbia invested its money to built Kosova. I can tell you a story about a bridge built in Klina vicinity just becasue one serb was living accros the river, but you take a ride to any village inhabited with Albaninas and roads that conect villages with only albanians were never paved and actually they were put extra obsticles so as to amke it harder for them to move around. This was state sponsered oppression openly.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet Isufi said:

"I fully support what Vassiliou is saying. Most of the money that milosheviq hid in those banks came from BANKOS(Bank of Kosova)and pension funds of Kosova. That money has to come back to rightfull people."

Please supply supporting documentation. Where is your proof? Why is B92 allowing him make it past the cutting room floor, repeatedly? We need more prood, and less emotions.


pre 16 godina

The Cyprus experience is what Serbia is in for.The EU should use the same criteria for both Cyprus and Serbia no matter how long it takes.There should be no artificial deadlines based on idiotic reasons or the fear of violence by the Islamists in Kosovo.They must be dealt with just like the Taliban.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Luciano said ; violance by islamists in Kosova. I live and work inKosova and I don't see any islamists as you claim, maybe you are refering to another country.I was born a muslim but i drink rakija more than you do , how does that sound for starter. Most of you trying to potray kosova as islamist has failed becasue that is pure propaganda. You go to any city in Kosova and look for yourself including villages and you will see that your word islamist is just an illusion in your mind.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

I fully support what Vassiliou is saying. Most of the money that milosheviq hid in those banks came from BANKOS(Bank of Kosova)and pension funds of Kosova. That money has to come back to rightfull people.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Your coment hit it right on the mark with exeption of pension money but other things about there is no infrastructue and everything else is very much the truth. Your statemant contriadicts other serb camp that serbia invested its money to built Kosova. I can tell you a story about a bridge built in Klina vicinity just becasue one serb was living accros the river, but you take a ride to any village inhabited with Albaninas and roads that conect villages with only albanians were never paved and actually they were put extra obsticles so as to amke it harder for them to move around. This was state sponsered oppression openly.

Ahmet Isufi

pre 16 godina

Luciano said ; violance by islamists in Kosova. I live and work inKosova and I don't see any islamists as you claim, maybe you are refering to another country.I was born a muslim but i drink rakija more than you do , how does that sound for starter. Most of you trying to potray kosova as islamist has failed becasue that is pure propaganda. You go to any city in Kosova and look for yourself including villages and you will see that your word islamist is just an illusion in your mind.


pre 16 godina

What are you talking about Ahmet why should these Albanians in Kosovo recieve any money?

When they decided to boycott the institutions and activly riot against the Serb minority they forfitted their right to pensions or any kind of money from Belgrade.

You cannot have it boths ways, as is so often said to Albanians.


pre 16 godina

The Cyprus experience is what Serbia is in for.The EU should use the same criteria for both Cyprus and Serbia no matter how long it takes.There should be no artificial deadlines based on idiotic reasons or the fear of violence by the Islamists in Kosovo.They must be dealt with just like the Taliban.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet Isufi said:

"I fully support what Vassiliou is saying. Most of the money that milosheviq hid in those banks came from BANKOS(Bank of Kosova)and pension funds of Kosova. That money has to come back to rightfull people."

Please supply supporting documentation. Where is your proof? Why is B92 allowing him make it past the cutting room floor, repeatedly? We need more prood, and less emotions.

Marios Vassiliou

pre 16 godina

The Cypriot president and his foreign minister should also visit Belgrade and give evidence for the millions of dollars that gone missing during the Milosevic era.
Evidence here in the island say that all the money was carried from Belgrade via the diplomatic route and deposited in accounts of offshore companies owned by the Milosevic family.

The law office that registered these companies is owned by the Papadopoulos family, cuurent Cypriot President.

The Cypriot Central bank has the moral obligation to investigate this matter and not exchange political support with silence.

We Greek Cypriots are of a better cast of people than what our leaders are showing.


pre 16 godina

Ahmet, although I am not a fan of Milosevic at all, you have to be kidding to have the notion that "most of the money came from the pensions of Kosovo". Kosovo has always been the poorest part of the former Yugoslavia with absolutely no GNP. Even today the Kosovars must include foreign sent moneies as the most vital part of their GNP. Milosevic robbed all of the region and specifically forcused on the booty left behind by Tito. I have visited Kosovo there is no infrastructure, no work and the most people per square mile in all of Europe. There is almost no industry..nothing but a wastleland!


pre 16 godina

Gee, it seems that when it is beneficial, Kosovo Albanians are “secular” and “moderate” and then they can suddenly become “Albanian Muslims” when it is deemed necessary.
In the spring of this year, at an open hearing of the US House of Representatives, Tom Lantos, a democrat from California said: “Just a reminder to the predominantly Muslim-led government[s] in this world that here is yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe. This should be noted by both responsible leaders of Islamic governments, such as Indonesia, and also for jihadists of all color and hue. The United States' principles are universal, and in this instance, the United States stands foursquare for the creation of an overwhelmingly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe.”
State Dept. Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Nicholas Burns, also spoke at this hearing and stated that “92 to 94 percent of the people who now live in Kosovo are Albanian Muslims.”
In April of this year, Mufti Naim Ternava, president of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, was in Michigan as part of a visit to the US to gain support for making Kosovo an independent country…“Pray for the independence of Kosovo,” Ternava said through a translator during the Friday sermon to about two hundred Muslims at the Muslim Center of Detroit on Davison Ave. “Thousands of miles away from here, there are Muslim brothers in Kosovo who suffered for many, many years and who…went as shahids (martyrs) during all these sufferings [in Kosovo].”
Hopefully, the majority of people in this world develop their opinions based on factual information and not generational hatred (as we often read on this site), ignorance and political gain.