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The end of the Kecmanović trial is scheduled for today

The trial of Miljana and Vladimir Kecmanović, the parents of the boy who killed nine of his peers and the school's guard on May 3, 2023, at the "Vladislav Ribnikar" elementary school, should be concluded today with the presentation of closing arguments.

Izvor: Tanjug

The end of the Kecmanović trial is scheduled for today
Antonio Ahel/ATAImages


The trial of Miljana and Vladimir Kecmanović, the parents of the boy who killed nine of his peers and the school's guard on May 3 of last year at the "Vladislav Ribnikar" elementary school, should be concluded today with the presentation of closing arguments at the High Court in Belgrade.

After the presentation of the closing arguments, the court will schedule the pronouncement of the verdict.

Before the closing arguments, it is planned to examine one of the victims and read the remaining written evidence.

The Prosecutor's Office recently expanded the indictment charging Vladimir Kecmanović with the criminal offense of serious offense against general safety, while the mother was charged with the criminal offense of illegal possession and carrying of weapons.

The expanded indictment followed the interrogation of the minor perpetrator of the murder, K.K., and the Kecmanović couple is charged with the criminal offense of neglecting and abusing a minor.

In this case, the boy's parents, Vladimir and Miljana Kecmanović, and shooting range instructor Nemanja Marinković, who is accused of the criminal offense of giving a false statement, are on trial.


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