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Igor Jurić for TV Prva: It is disturbing... VIDEO

President of the Center for Missing and Abused Children Igor Jurić, speaking about the disappearance of Danka Ilić (2) from Bor, pointed out that a large number of police members are on the ground.


Igor Jurić for TV Prva: It is disturbing... VIDEO
PrintScreen/ TV Prva Video


In a phone-in interview in the morning program of TV Prva, Jurić said that more than 200 police officers were on the ground yesterday after the disappearance was reported, and that there are even more of them there today.

"The passage of time is rather lengthy and that is what is most worrying in the whole story," said Jurić.

Speaking about the SMS messages that were sent after the "Find me" system was launched, he points out that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is working to improve the system, but that operators can send up to 50,000 SMS messages in one minute, and some even less.

"In some future period, this system will not be based on SMS messages, but on some other types of information, where a mobile operator will not be needed in order to inform citizens about the disappearance of a child".

He also pointed out that now it will be difficult for the public to get any information, because the investigation is ongoing.

"Even in the case of Tijana's disappearance, the police were very careful in providing information not only to the media, but also to the family. It is unlikely that any information will come out until the child is found," said Jurić.

As he concluded, due to the very difficult terrain and the weather conditions, it is now an additional aggravating circumstance.

Izvor: Prva tv


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