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KFOR confirmed that Vučić was telling the truth

KFOR confirmed that Pristina requested the authorization to enable the so-called Kosovo security forces to go to the north of AP KiM, i.e. for "potential" deployment in the "affected area" after the explosion in which the Ibar-Lepenac water canal was damaged.

Izvor: Tanjug

KFOR confirmed that Vučić was telling the truth


KFOR stated that this request was rejected.

Upon the KoSSev portal's request for confirmation regarding the statement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, that Pristina requested the deployment of the so-called KBS to the north of AP KiM, that is, whether they received a request from Prishtina to send KBS to the north, KFOR answered in the affirmative.

"In accordance with the 2013 commitment signed between the institutions in Kosovo and NATO, the institutions in Kosovo requested authorization from the KFOR commander for the potential deployment of KBS units in the affected area in the north of Kosovo. The KFOR commander did not give such authorization, based on his security assessment and the actions that KFOR has already taken," the response stated, the portal said.

In the response, it is also recalled of yesterday's statements by that mission that KFOR deployed units to secure the area in Zubin Potok where the Ibar-Lepenac water canal was damaged. It is added that the KFOR commander remains in contact with all his colleagues, including representatives of the temporary Pristina institutions and security organizations.

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said in today's address that nine minutes after the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Albin Kurti, was allegedly informed about the explosion near Zubin Potok, an official request to KFOR to station the so-called Kosovo Security Forces to the north of AP Kosovo and Metohija was submitted, but KFOR refused.


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