WHO statement: Unprecedented number of mutations, serious consequences possible

World Health Organization has finally come forward with more specific instructions and forecasts for the spread of a newly discovered strain, called omicron.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 29.11.2021.


WHO statement: Unprecedented number of mutations, serious consequences possible
Танјуг/Martial Treззini/Keystone via AP, file

WHO statement: Unprecedented number of mutations, serious consequences possible

Unlike the first announcements since the strain was discovered in South Africa, and then arrived in Europe, and in which the experts of that world organization were vague, they have now given more concrete details, but also forecasts, and they are not promising.

The WHO announced this morning that the member states have already been given instructions regarding the new strain of COVID-19, and it is pointed out that there is a high probability of further spread of that strain around the world.

Also, the WHO warns that, depending on the characteristics of this variant that are still being investigated, there could be serious consequences.

"Omicron has an unprecedented number of mutations, some of which are worrying because of their potential impact on the course of the pandemic," the WHO said, adding that the probability of "potential further spread" of mutations is "high" globally. The first recommendation to the member states of that organization is to adjust the "measures of international travel", stating that more detailed instructions will be issued soon.

"Namely, there are concerns about the possibility of omicron to avoid acquired immunity," the World Health Organization added, noting that at that time there was a high probability of further spread of omicron on a global level.

"Depending on these characteristics, there could be future surges of COVID-19 waves, which could have serious consequences. We estimate that the overall global risk associated with the new strain of covid-19 is very high," the statement added.

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