Is America really behind it all?

The conflict in Ukraine is the last example that Europe is completely subordinated to the United States, said former diplomat Vladislav Jovanović.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 24.03.2022.


Is America really behind it all?

Is America really behind it all?

The conflict in Ukraine is the last example that Europe is completely subordinated to the United States, said former diplomat Vladislav Jovanović.

However, according to him, as soon as the crisis ends, Europe's need to "get out of the embrace" of the United States of America will be more visible and faster.

"How and where it will go, whether to turn Western Europe into a new, global power or to disintegrate Western Europe due to growing conflicting interests between them, remains to be seen," Jovanovic told Tanjug when asked if the Ukrainian crisis was leading to international realignment and whether this is the most challenging moment for Europe since World War II.

He adds that he expects further pressure on Serbia and emphasizes that Serbia must preserve its neutrality.

According to Jovanovic, the world must be regulated by agreement, not imperialism as the USA started, and that, he says, means accepting that it is one of the greatest powers and starting to respect the sovereignty and independence of others, especially smaller countries.

"America is not willing to do that yet, which shows the treatment of Serbia, which does great services to peace and stability, but one empire wants, above all, obedience, and not perfection in conducting politics. They are not interested in that", Jovanović says.

Asked whether he expects further pressure on Serbia and whether our country can emerge from this situation as a country that will preserve neutrality and will not impose sanctions on Russia, Jovanovic said that Serbia can and must do so, because otherwise, he said, it would end its existence as an independent entity.

"Throughout history, Serbia has always defended its originality and independence. In the current situation, aggravated by the desire of one great power to subjugate everything to its will, we are in a endangered position, but we are not helpless", believes Jovanović.

He emphasizes that Serbia must not break its historical ties with Russia, which, he says, is the only great power that stood by Serbia in critical moments.

"The only way to keep Kosovo and Metohija as an open issue is to maintain relations with Russia, because there are no other obstacles to Kosovo's entry into the UN. There are only Russia and partly China. United States need to deprive us of our last support and force us to recognize the independence of Kosovo, and that was tantamount to political suicide," Jovanovic concluded.

Jovanovic sees the situation around Ukraine as the last "tango of America" ​​to keep his allies under control and to humiliate them by forcing them, he says, to "accept" measures that are against their economic interests.

On the other hand, he says, the United States wants to "show its teeth" towards its rivals and to demonstrate imperial discipline towards small countries that are trying to stay aside.

"America has begun to lose control of world processes and has decided to go on the offensive by declaring China a rival and Russia an opponent. It is important for America to get Russia involved in some conflict in order to get an excuse for putting pressure on it, which has not been noticed so far, and that is the economic war without borders", states Jovanović.

The goal, he says, is to provoke Russia's internal weakening, social and political dissatisfaction through the conflict in Ukraine, and change the government, and bring a regime that would be in favor of America.

According to Jovanovic, this is achieved by opening a conflict between the two largest Slavic nations, and it is in America's interest, he says, that this conflict lasts as long as possible in order to prevent the possibility of Ukraine and Russia living in a common state again.

"It is not an official U.S. strategy, but it is obvious," Jovanovic concluded.

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