NATO will intervene? "We see indications; Troops have been sent in a Kosovo base"

NATO is turning from a defense alliance into an interventionist alliance, which is dangerous, says Foreign Policy Spokesperson of the Alternative for Germany.


Friday, 16.06.2023.


NATO will intervene?
Tanjug/AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic

NATO will intervene? "We see indications; Troops have been sent in a Kosovo base"

Petr Bystron, who is also a member of the Bundestag, stated in an interview for Russia Today Balkan that the bombing of the FR Yugoslavia in 1999 was a violation of international law and a sin, as well as that this illegal war led to the violent secession of a part of the sovereign country, the former Yugoslavia.

"Kosovo is an artificial creation, incapable of life," said the German MP.

He added that back then, the Americans, as well as the German government of that time, promised to improve the situation by offering billions and increasing the military presence, but that 24 years later there is no improvement, and local conflicts are still there.

"Now is the time for the German government to reconsider its approach," emphasizes Bystron.

Speaking about the European Union's pressure on Serbia to adhere to the Franco-German plan and its role as a mediator in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Bystron said that "Kosovo" should not join the EU under any circumstances, and that his party, AFD, oppose it.

"The EU is putting incredible pressure on the Serbs and is trying to force them to conclude certain agreements with the Kosovo Albanians. But, regardless of this pressure, initially the signing of the agreement between Serbia and 'Kosovo' was considered a condition for the extension of the accession negotiations. But they signed nothing. Nevertheless, the EU strongly insists on expansion regardless of the absence of a signed document. And that is a completely wrong path," emphasizes Bystron.

Whether KFOR and then NATO will intervene if there is an armed conflict, Bystron points out, is a very serious question and adds that we are already seeing some indications of it.

"First of all, KFOR and NATO are already present there, and NATO soldiers have already been wounded in the conflict with those who protested. Secondly, we can compare this situation with the situation in Ukraine, with which the Secretary General of NATO declared that NATO should send its troops to that country. This only means that NATO is turning from a defensive alliance, as it once was, into an interventionist alliance, which is very dangerous," emphasizes Bystron.

He notes that looking at the development of NATO over the last ten years, it seems that it can be used for interventions beyond its borders.

Asked about the position of his country, Germany, in relation to issues concerning the Balkans, Bystron emphasized that the Germans are fulfilling the will of American interests in Europe. He recalled that the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 was the first time since World War II that Germany participated in military operations.

He added that there is no reason why Germany would send its soldiers to Bosnia as part of EUFOR. As he emphasizes, it is necessary to understand the geopolitical context and that all this is in the interest of the United States.

"In 1999, the USA launched a NATO military intervention. They wanted to build a military base in that region, and they succeeded. The second largest American base in Europe is located on 'Kosovo', while the first is located in Ramstein. That says a lot. "Germany is doing what America demands of it. It is acting as a flag bearer of the U.S. policy," Bystron pointed out.

He noted that not all European countries act in this way, citing as an example EU members who did not recognize the so-called Kosovo, but also France, which, according to him, is skeptical about EU expansion.

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