B92.net finds out: Number of vaccinated in Serbia exceeded 400.000

The number of vaccinated in Serbia today exceeded 400.000, B92.net has learned

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 28.01.2021.


B92.net finds out: Number of vaccinated in Serbia exceeded 400.000
Ilustracija: SSilver/ Depositphotos

B92.net finds out: Number of vaccinated in Serbia exceeded 400.000

Let us remind you, mass vaccination is being carried out in Serbia, and citizens can choose between three vaccines - Sputnik V, Pfizer and Sinopharm.

Vaccination requires an appointment, and citizens will receive an appointment for vaccination after registering on the e-government portal or by calling the contact center.

As stated, there is no need, nor is it in the interest of public health to create queues and crowds of citizens who do not have an appointment, because all citizens will receive the vaccine in accordance with the priority plan.

All citizens can do it at the web portal: www.imunizacija.euprava.gov.rs.

If the person interested in vaccination does not have a computer, he can also apply by phone, via the contact center on the phone number 0800 222 334, every day from 8 am to 8 pm.

The government reminds all citizens of Serbia that, regardless of the fact that the vaccine arrived in our country and that we are currently among the leading countries in the world in terms of the number of vaccinated citizens per million inhabitants, the epidemic is by no means over.

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