EULEX: Nobody under investigation yet

EULEX Spokeswoman Irina Gudeljević said Wednesday that no one was currently under investigation for organ trafficking in Kosovo and Albania.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 02.03.2011.


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EULEX Spokeswoman Irina Gudeljevic said Wednesday that no one was currently under investigation for organ trafficking in Kosovo and Albania. “Several weeks ago, EULEX started a preliminary probe concerning (Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick) Marty's claims and its goal is to determine whether there is enough evidence for an official inquiry,” she explained. EULEX: Nobody under investigation yet In an earlier statement, she said that EULEX took Marty's allegations very seriously. “EULEX has the capacity, expertise, location and authority to conduct a court investigation, and it is willing and able to assume that responsibility,” the EULEX spokeswoman asserted. The preliminary investigation is the first technical step in that direction, according to Gudeljevic. The EU mission has called on all those who have any proof of organ trafficking, including Marty, to present that evidence. “EULEX understands the concern about witness protection, but places complete confidence in its witness protection unit,” she stressed, adding that they had proved capable of dealing with highly sensitive cases. “As a rule of law mission, EULEX acts based on fact and evidence, which means there can be no criminal trial without evidence, and as soon as such information surfaces, EULEX prosecutors will be ready to act,” the EULEX spokeswoman pointed out.

EULEX: Nobody under investigation yet

In an earlier statement, she said that EULEX took Marty's allegations very seriously.

“EULEX has the capacity, expertise, location and authority to conduct a court investigation, and it is willing and able to assume that responsibility,” the EULEX spokeswoman asserted.

The preliminary investigation is the first technical step in that direction, according to Gudeljević.

The EU mission has called on all those who have any proof of organ trafficking, including Marty, to present that evidence.

“EULEX understands the concern about witness protection, but places complete confidence in its witness protection unit,” she stressed, adding that they had proved capable of dealing with highly sensitive cases.

“As a rule of law mission, EULEX acts based on fact and evidence, which means there can be no criminal trial without evidence, and as soon as such information surfaces, EULEX prosecutors will be ready to act,” the EULEX spokeswoman pointed out.

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