Duma speaker: EU is rude towards Serbia

Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin said on Monday that an EU official's statement that Serbia must to join the sanctions against Russia was “rude and caddish.”

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 24.11.2014.


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Duma speaker: EU is rude towards Serbia

"It was stated so: you should join the so-called anti-Russian sanctions or otherwise there is no place for you in the European Union,” the Russian official told an international conference in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Naryshkin said such an EU stance "contradicts the norms of the international law and is in fact blackmail," the TASS news agency reported.

“Undoubtedly, such steps have nothing in common with the principles of sovereign equality or the principles of respect towards history, culture and traditions of the partner-state,” he said.

The Russian agency reported that EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn last week said Serbia "should bring its foreign political position in line with the European stance by imposing anti-Russian economic sanctions."

It added that both Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić said that Serbia would not impose sanctions on Russia despite its goal to join the European Union, and that Nikolić, "admitted that the EU membership which Serbia was seeking implies an obligation to pursue a common foreign policy."

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