Bulgaria: Ex-PM unable to form government

Former Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov has said that his party, which won a majority of votes in the recent elections, was unable to form a ruling coalition.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 23.05.2013.


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SOFIA Former Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov has said that his party, which won a majority of votes in the recent elections, was unable to form a ruling coalition. Borisov's GERB party has 97 MPs in Bulgaria's 240-seat parliament. Bulgaria: Ex-PM unable to form government The country's president, Rosen Plevneliev, is now expected to ask the Socialists, who have 84 seats, to try to put together a government. The Socialists said previously they wished to form a cabinet of technocrats that would enjoy wide support, with former Finance Minister Plamen Oresharski, a non-partisan political figure, at its helm. Borisov stepped down as prime minister in February amid in some instances violent protests against poverty and corruption in Bulgaria. Boyko Borisov (Beta/AP) Tanjug

Bulgaria: Ex-PM unable to form government

The country's president, Rosen Plevneliev, is now expected to ask the Socialists, who have 84 seats, to try to put together a government.

The Socialists said previously they wished to form a cabinet of technocrats that would enjoy wide support, with former Finance Minister Plamen Oresharski, a non-partisan political figure, at its helm.

Borisov stepped down as prime minister in February amid in some instances violent protests against poverty and corruption in Bulgaria.

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