Dacic on first visit to Lebanon

Serbia's First Deputy PM and FM has met with Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam and Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 22.07.2015.


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Dacic on first visit to Lebanon

Dacic thanked the Lebanese officials for their country's principled refusal to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, Tanjug reported.

During the talks, the official pointed to the decades-long friendship between the two countries, which dates back to the time of the Non-Aligned Movement, the Serbian foreign ministry said.

In the meeting, the officials signed the agreement on the abolition of visas for diplomatic and official passports, and concluded that the cooperation between Lebanon and Serbia should be intensified in the fields of politics, economy, culture, education and sports.

In the talks, the official considered the topics of mutual interest, such as the coordination in international organizations and dangers facing the contemporary society- terrorism and migration.

Serbia is monitoring with concern the intensification of terrorist attacks and suffering of innocent citizens in the friendly country, Tanjug quoted Dacic as saying.

He added that " Serbia and Lebanon want to achieve an agreement or memorandum on cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organized crime."

Dacic told his hosts in Beirut Serbia and the region are also in the sights of terrorists, and fighters for terrorist groups are being recruited from the area as well - "some of them holding high-ranking positions in terrorist organizations - and they come precisely from Bosnia, or from Kosovo or Albania."

Speaking about the problem of migrations, Dacic said that a large number of refugees are currently staying in the territory of Serbia on their way toward Western Europe, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released.

Some countries in Europe are building fences and walls to prevent passage but I believe this is not an authentic response for a modern Europe, he underscored and added that Serbia clearly separates the issue of terrorism from the issue of immigration.

During the meeting, the agreement on visa liberation for holders of diplomatic and official passports was signed, and Dacic expressed the hope that the agreement on visa liberation for all citizens of the two countries would be signed soon.

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