U.S.: Only independent Kosovo can stabilize Balkans

Only independence for Kosovo can bring stability in the Balkans, Condoleezza Rice said Monday.

Izvor: Reuters

Tuesday, 25.09.2007.


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Only independence for Kosovo can bring stability in the Balkans, Condoleezza Rice said Monday. “Europe should join the United States in backing statehood for the Serbian province,” the U.S. secretary of state said in an interview with Reuters. U.S.: Only independent Kosovo can stabilize Balkans She added that talks brokered by the European Union, Russia and the United States had some chance of achieving an "amicable outcome" even if Kosovo and Serbia did not agree on the final status of the territory. "But there's going to be an independent Kosovo. We're dedicated to that. It's the only solution that is potentially stabilizing for the Balkans rather than destabilizing for the Balkans," Rice said. The secretary of state went on to say that she shared concerns that neither side would negotiate seriously because Serbia felt assured of a Russian veto of any UN resolution granting Kosovo independence, and the Kosovo Albanians felt they could count on U.S. recognition of a unilateral declaration of independence. "We've told the Kosovars that we don't think a unilateral declaration of independence is a very good idea," she said, although lower-ranking U.S. officials have suggested Washington would recognize such a declaration. Asked how she expected Kosovo's final status to be determined, Rice said: "I think it will take the United States and Europe together on this. "The Europeans ... know the Balkans is ultimately much closer to Europe than to the United States, and if they need a stable Balkans, they're going to have to take the tough decisions and do the right thing," she concluded. Condoleezza Rice (FoNet, archive)

U.S.: Only independent Kosovo can stabilize Balkans

She added that talks brokered by the European Union, Russia and the United States had some chance of achieving an "amicable outcome" even if Kosovo and Serbia did not agree on the final status of the territory.

"But there's going to be an independent Kosovo. We're dedicated to that. It's the only solution that is potentially stabilizing for the Balkans rather than destabilizing for the Balkans," Rice said.

The secretary of state went on to say that she shared concerns that neither side would negotiate seriously because Serbia felt assured of a Russian veto of any UN resolution granting Kosovo independence, and the Kosovo Albanians felt they could count on U.S. recognition of a unilateral declaration of independence.

"We've told the Kosovars that we don't think a unilateral declaration of independence is a very good idea," she said, although lower-ranking U.S. officials have suggested Washington would recognize such a declaration.

Asked how she expected Kosovo's final status to be determined, Rice said: "I think it will take the United States and Europe together on this.

"The Europeans ... know the Balkans is ultimately much closer to Europe than to the United States, and if they need a stable Balkans, they're going to have to take the tough decisions and do the right thing," she concluded.

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