"Pressure on Islamic countries to recognize"

Vuk Jeremić says countries backing Kosovo independence are pressuring the region and the Islamic world to recognize.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 21.03.2008.


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Vuk Jeremic says countries backing Kosovo independence are pressuring the region and the Islamic world to recognize. “Some of Serbia’s neighbors have not been able to resist that pressure. The fact that those countries decided to recognize Kosovo independence together sets a precedent,” said the foreign minister, and repeated that countries that decided to recognize Kosovo's unilateral independence declaration would not be able to count on the same level of relations with Serbia. "Pressure on Islamic countries to recognize" Jeremic called it a success for Serbia that the summit of the Organization of the Islamic Confederation had not adopted a declaration to recognize Pristina’s unilateral declaration. The foreign minister stressed that Serbia would continue its fight at other regional forums such as the African Union, the Non-Aligned Movement or the Arab League, which is to hold a meeting in Damascus at the end of March. “At the UN General Assembly in September, Serbia will propose seeking the opinion of the International Court of Justice to ascertain whether the independence declaration was in accordance with international law. From all the conversations Icve had so far, I believe that a Serbian resolution seeking such a move would gain a majority,” he predicted. Vuk Jeremic (Tanjug, archive)

"Pressure on Islamic countries to recognize"

Jeremić called it a success for Serbia that the summit of the Organization of the Islamic Confederation had not adopted a declaration to recognize Priština’s unilateral declaration.

The foreign minister stressed that Serbia would continue its fight at other regional forums such as the African Union, the Non-Aligned Movement or the Arab League, which is to hold a meeting in Damascus at the end of March.

“At the UN General Assembly in September, Serbia will propose seeking the opinion of the International Court of Justice to ascertain whether the independence declaration was in accordance with international law. From all the conversations Ićve had so far, I believe that a Serbian resolution seeking such a move would gain a majority,” he predicted.

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