Russian ambassador: Compromise or veto

The Russian ambassador in Belgrade says Russia will veto any Kosovo status decision that is not acceptable to both sides.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 04.12.2006.


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Russian ambassador: Compromise or veto

He also said it was naïve to reach a conclusion that the Kosovo negotiations are a failure, “after only one meeting that lasted two hours”.

The Ambassador thus criticized Martti Ahtisaari’s earlier statement that the two negotiating parties will not be able to reach compromise through negotiations.

“I must say we are strictly adhering to our position regarding the solution of the Kosovo status issue. In case the status solution is not acceptable for both sides, for Belgrade and Priština, Russia will exercise its veto rights”, Alekseyev said.

“I must stress that the Kosovo problem must be solved in line with the international law, with the principles of European security, and the UN Security Council resolution 1244. And, Kosovo temporary institutions prime minister Agim Ceku was briefed about this position in detail during his recent visit to Moscow”, the Russian ambassador said.

You can read the full interview in our Off the Air section.

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