Sejdiu: Kosovo partition would open Pandora's Box

If the international community allowed a partition of Kosovo it would open a Pandora’s Box, says Fatmir Sejdiu.

Izvor: FoNet

Thursday, 03.01.2008.


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If the international community allowed a partition of Kosovo it would open a Pandora’s Box, says Fatmir Sejdiu. It would not just end with Kosovo, said the Kosovo president. Sejdiu: Kosovo partition would open Pandora's Box In the second half of an interview with today’s edition of Pristina daily Koha Ditore, he stressed that partition would not only open the opportunity for Kosovo’s unification with Albania, but open the question of Albanian minorities in the three southern Serbian municipalities, as well as in Macedonia and Montenegro. Sejdiu added that he did not believe a partition was possible, adding that Pristina opposed such a solution. “We are for respect of borders. Kosovo has no pretensions towards the frontiers of others. Kosovo values its own internal stability as well as regional stability. Here, I’m referring above all to Macedonia, but to others too,” he pointed out. Sejdiu doubted that the international community would allow such a series of events to take place. “I’m unaware of the international community being prepared to enter that kind of game, which might seem attractive to Serbia, but I wouldn’t say that such a bill can drawn up without the main innkeeper. I’m speaking in the sense that Kosovo too has its own agreement when it comes to this,” stressed the Kosovo president. Should Serbia “feel like a new conflict with Kosovo,” it would not just be up against Kosovo, but the whole world, “one powerful military mechanism – NATO,” predicted Sejdiu. “It is important for us to keep a cool head, to keep our stability, not to fall into traps of provocation which may come, because they may indeed come,” he concluded. Fatmir Sejdiu (FoNet, archive)

Sejdiu: Kosovo partition would open Pandora's Box

In the second half of an interview with today’s edition of Priština daily Koha Ditore, he stressed that partition would not only open the opportunity for Kosovo’s unification with Albania, but open the question of Albanian minorities in the three southern Serbian municipalities, as well as in Macedonia and Montenegro.

Sejdiu added that he did not believe a partition was possible, adding that Priština opposed such a solution.

“We are for respect of borders. Kosovo has no pretensions towards the frontiers of others. Kosovo values its own internal stability as well as regional stability. Here, I’m referring above all to Macedonia, but to others too,” he pointed out.

Sejdiu doubted that the international community would allow such a series of events to take place.

“I’m unaware of the international community being prepared to enter that kind of game, which might seem attractive to Serbia, but I wouldn’t say that such a bill can drawn up without the main innkeeper. I’m speaking in the sense that Kosovo too has its own agreement when it comes to this,” stressed the Kosovo president.

Should Serbia “feel like a new conflict with Kosovo,” it would not just be up against Kosovo, but the whole world, “one powerful military mechanism – NATO,” predicted Sejdiu.

“It is important for us to keep a cool head, to keep our stability, not to fall into traps of provocation which may come, because they may indeed come,” he concluded.

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