Serbs in Metohija villages without electricity

The Metohija villages of Osojane, Šainovica, Tučep and Kos, inhabited by Serb returnees, have been without electric power for the past three weeks.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 01.04.2009.


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The Metohija villages of Osojane, Sainovica, Tucep and Kos, inhabited by Serb returnees, have been without electric power for the past three weeks. KIM Radio quoted Sonja Vukovic from Osojane as saying that these villages had no electricity in the previous period and that the village of Sivi Lukavac, near Osojane, has been without power for the past month. Serbs in Metohija villages without electricity Mihajlo Ljubic from Suvi Lukavac said that these villages have been cut off since March 3, and that the Kosovo company in charge of electrical power distribution, KEK, continues to insist that the Serb returnees to the Metohija villages should pay EUR 200 on a monthly basis, a sum that they cannot afford. About 900 Serb returnees live in the Osojane valley.

Serbs in Metohija villages without electricity

Mihajlo Ljubić from Suvi Lukavac said that these villages have been cut off since March 3, and that the Kosovo company in charge of electrical power distribution, KEK, continues to insist that the Serb returnees to the Metohija villages should pay EUR 200 on a monthly basis, a sum that they cannot afford.

About 900 Serb returnees live in the Osojane valley.

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