Serbian diamond thief arrested in Monaco

Monaco police have arrested two members of an international gang of diamond thieves, nicknamed the “Pink Panthers”, says Interpol.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 18.10.2008.


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Monaco police have arrested two members of an international gang of diamond thieves, nicknamed the “Pink Panthers”, says Interpol. The “Pink Panthers” are suspected of stealing diamonds worth over EUR 100mn. Serbian diamond thief arrested in Monaco One of the men arrested is a 27-year-old Serbian national whose name has still to be released, and the other 30-year-old Bosnian national Dusko Poznan, Reuters reports. They were arrested on Wednesday after the police recognized one of them from a photograph that they susequently sent to Interpol, it was stated. “It is thought that both men are part of the international criminal group known as the ‘Pink Panthers’ that are linked to at least 100 armed robberies in almost 20 countries,” the statement concluded. The men are wanted by the authorities in a number of countries, including Switzerland and Liechtenstein, says Reuters.

Serbian diamond thief arrested in Monaco

One of the men arrested is a 27-year-old Serbian national whose name has still to be released, and the other 30-year-old Bosnian national Duško Poznan, Reuters reports.

They were arrested on Wednesday after the police recognized one of them from a photograph that they susequently sent to Interpol, it was stated.

“It is thought that both men are part of the international criminal group known as the ‘Pink Panthers’ that are linked to at least 100 armed robberies in almost 20 countries,” the statement concluded.

The men are wanted by the authorities in a number of countries, including Switzerland and Liechtenstein, says Reuters.

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