France views Serbia’s EU accession as "priority"

France views Serbia’s EU membership as one of its priorities, says Harlem Desir, state secretary for European affairs at the French Foreign Ministry.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 27.11.2014.


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France views Serbia’s EU accession as "priority"

He made the statement during a joint news conference with visiting Serbian Minister without Portfolio in charge of EU Integration Jadranka Joksimović, who said that as a membership candidate, Serbia is "a sincere and responsible partner."

Serbia’s successful accession to the EU is a priority objective for France and we will be with Serbia in all stages of the accession process, Desir said.

Desir told reporters that France was pushing for the adoption of a decision to open at least one negotiating chapter, "for example, Chapter 32," as soon as possible, and lauded Serbia’s significant contribution to the stability of South East Europe and its EU accession process.

“For Serbia, it is important that it has in France a sincere and objective partner on the path to European integration,” said Joksimović.

She explained that by “objective” she meant evaluation based on political and economic criteria and efforts to improve society in a palpable and efficient way, which indeed were the principles the EU had been founded on.

Joksimović thanked France for its sincere support and commitment to helping send a good signal from the EU by it opening a negotiating chapter by the end of the current or beginning of the following year.

“We are not eager for specific dates, but rather for quality and we would like this to be recognized by all EU countries just as France has recognized it,” said the minister.

Serbia is aware of the obligations that France and other members of the Union expect it to meet, and which comprise Serbia's own agenda - strengthening institutions, conducting judicial reform, ensuring respect for the rule of law, and improving the economic climate to attract foreign investors, said Joksimović.

French State Secretary Desir also said that since the beginning of accession negotiations a year ago, Serbia had furnished an “extremely positive balance,” highlighting the fact that the Serbian government had started implementing reforms and modernizing the country to meet the European criteria.

We are supporting Serbia’s great efforts and Serbia’s role in ensuring stability in the Western Balkans, Desir said.

Desir also expressed the expectation that the dialogue between Priština and Belgrade would be resumed as soon as the government in Pristina was formed.

He pointed to the importance of infrastructure and energy projects and of bilateral cooperation, such as through the exchange of experts.

Observing that France and Serbia plan a number of projects together, Desir pointed out that the intensification of economic cooperation would contribute not only to economic growth and job creation in Serbia, but also to its EU accession process.

Joksimović said that France was reaffirming its interest in the Western Balkans and Serbia in a constructive and friendly manner, just like Serbia wanted to promote regional stability.

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