Belgrade "determined to reach agreement in Brussels"

Marko Djuric says the negotiating team "is going to Brussels with a serious intention to fight for the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO)."

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 20.08.2015.


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Belgrade "determined to reach agreement in Brussels"

Djuric stressed that the formation of the ZSO would be "in the best interest of both Serbs and Albanians," and added:

"The ZSO is aimed against nobody in Kosovo. The ZSO will be a factor and a means for Serbs and Albanians be get closer, not one of their separation."

He also "thanked Serbs from kosovo for supporting the Serbian government and the team for negotiations with Pristina."

"When it comes to the ZSO we have harmonized many things (in the talks with Pristina), two or three still remain," Djuric said.

However, he would not say which issues remain contentious.

In Pristina, the Kosovo government's minister for dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said that Belgrade and Pristina will only reach an agreement on the ZSO "if Kosovo's positions are taken into account."

Speaking on Thursday, Tahiri added that "the positions of Belgrade are of no interest to the delegation of Pristina."

Speaking for the Pristina daily Epoka e Re, she said that "the demand of the municipalities with a Serb majority for an agreement on the ZSO to be reached, sent to the governments of Kosovo and Serbia, will not influence the course of negotiations in Brussels," and added, "no deadline has been set related to the formation of the ZSO."

"We are now discussing the basic principles on which it should be formed. There has been progress in that, but talks will continue on the technical level on August 24, and on the level of prime minister on the 25th, with (Federica) Mogherini's mediation," Tahiri said.

She also "expressed her conviction the ZSO will not have executive powers and will not represent a third tier of government in Kosovo."

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