"Idea of building border wall is disgraceful"

<a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2015&mm=08&dd=18&nav_id=95129" class="text-link" target= "_blank">The idea of building a wall</a> along the Serbian-Macedonian border to prevent the migrants from entering the country is disgraceful, says Meho Omerovic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 18.08.2015.


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Meho Omerovic (Beta, file)

"Idea of building border wall is disgraceful"

The aim of the idea is to win a few political points and distract the public, Omerovic told Tanjug, commenting on a statement by leader of the SNP Nenad Popovic, who urged the authorities to build a wall along the border with Macedonia.

Serbia has too many other issues to address. Shifting the focus on migrants, and the proposal to build a border wall are, in fact, right-wing extremist ideas. They suggest that the election campaign is about to begin, he warned.

The people of Serbia are more than able to understand the misfortune of others as over the years the country gave shelter to hundreds of thousands of refugees, IDPs and exiled, Omerovic pointed out, noting that Serbia should be the last country to consider border walls as a course of action.

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