Nikolic: Solution to migrant crisis is in Brussels

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has said that the solution to the migrant crisis is "neither in Belgrade nor in Zagreb," but in Brussels.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 18.02.2016.


Nikolic: Solution to migrant crisis is in Brussels
(Tanjug, file)

Nikolic: Solution to migrant crisis is in Brussels

"On behalf of Serbia I reiterated that we have fulfilled all our promises and that we can fulfill the promises we are making now," Nikolic told reporters.

"We expect that we will be notified in a timely manner when migrants will not be able to move on from Serbia, and we will certainly not be the first to close borders," he said.

He said that Serbia is prepared for any decision and that he believes that EU member states will refrain from unilateral moves.

"We have Slovenia's promise that they will inform us immediately in case they intend to close their borders in two days so that we have enough time to react timely," Nikolic said.

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