Ambassadors refused to take a photo with Kurti in front of Albanian flag

US and German ambassadors "refuse" to take photos with Kurti in his office showing Albanian flag, KoSSev cites "Zëri"

Izvor: KoSSev, Zeri

Wednesday, 09.10.2019.


Ambassadors refused to take a photo with Kurti in front of Albanian flag
Tanjug/AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu

Ambassadors refused to take a photo with Kurti in front of Albanian flag

The leader of Vetëvendosje, Albin Kurti, still holds only the (Albanian) national flag in his office, as he rejects the flag of the Republic of Kosovo.

Kurti receives many guests at the office, holds meetings about which information are later posted on the party's official website on social networks, but US and German ambassadors have "refused" to take pictures with Kurti at the office, with the Albanian national flag in the background.

The leader of Vetëvendosje, Albin Kurti, whose party won the snap election two days ago, met with US Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett on Monday. What is striking is that the photo was taken outside the offices, without the national flag, KoSSev writes.

The same thing happened earlier with the German Ambassador to Kosovo, Christian Heldt. Unlike all other Kurti meetings, where guests were photographed with red and black flag in the background, the announcement of a meeting with German Ambassador, Christian Heldt, on the official website of Vetëvendosje, was accompanied only by a photo below the entrance steps of the Vetëvendosje headquarters. In the photo, Kurti is seen escorting the German Ambassador after the meeting.

It seems that two influential ambassadors in Kosovo, Kosnett and Heldt, prefer not to take pictures with Kurti without the Republic of Kosovo flag in the background.

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