"Pristina's continued commitment to dialogue is crucial"

Pristina's "continued and constructive commitment to the dialogue with Belgrade and implementation of agreements reached to date are crucial."

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 03.05.2017.


(Getty Images, file)

"Pristina's continued commitment to dialogue is crucial"

European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic told Tanjug that the talks focused on "the latest developments in relations between the EU and Kosovo".

"Both the EU and Kosovo share a common desire to bring Kosovo closer to the EU at the same time promoting reconciliation and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans," said she.

According to Kocijancic, Hahn told Hoxhaj that in order to achieve progress in the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement and the European reform agenda, it was necessary for Kosovo to focus on reforms in the areas of the rule of law and the economy.

When it comes to visa liberalization, Hahn reiterated the importance of demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro, said Kocijancic.

Hoxhaj did not address the Kosovo and Serb media in Brussels today. He will on Thursday meet with members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.

Hoxhaj's ministry said in a statement that he announced to his EU interlocutors the intention of Kosovo to apply for the candidate status this year.

The statement further said that "the newly created political situation in the Western Balkans" was discussed during the meetings with Mogherini and Hahn.

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