EU: No new elements to allow for interim deal

EU ambassadors today in Brussels decided not to start the implementation of a trade deal with Serbia.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 29.07.2008.


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EU ambassadors today in Brussels decided not to start the implementation of a trade deal with Serbia. "Today's meeting considered the situation, and concluded that there are no new elements to make the decision," press officer with the French EU presidency Marine de Carne said afterwards. EU: No new elements to allow for interim deal The EU will now monitor events and decide on its further steps accordingly, she added. The EU signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia in early May, but both it and the interim trade agreement were immediately suspended pending Belgrade's full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. However, Tanjug news agency said earlier, quoting Carne, that it was not expected for the ministers to greenlight the implementation of this trade agreement today. Last week a majority of EU member-states, led by Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Italy and Slovenia, were in favor of allowing the implementation of the deal immediately. However, some other countries, such as Holland, insisted that any final decision should await Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz's report. "In order to give a green light, objective conditions must be met, and that is the extradition of Radovan Karadzic and the Brammertz report. These conditions have not been met at this time," Carne said. Because of this, the trade agreement will likely not be "unfrozen" today, but it will be discussed, she explained.

EU: No new elements to allow for interim deal

The EU will now monitor events and decide on its further steps accordingly, she added.

The EU signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with Serbia in early May, but both it and the interim trade agreement were immediately suspended pending Belgrade's full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

However, Tanjug news agency said earlier, quoting Carne, that it was not expected for the ministers to greenlight the implementation of this trade agreement today.

Last week a majority of EU member-states, led by Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Italy and Slovenia, were in favor of allowing the implementation of the deal immediately.

However, some other countries, such as Holland, insisted that any final decision should await Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz's report.

"In order to give a green light, objective conditions must be met, and that is the extradition of Radovan Karadžić and the Brammertz report. These conditions have not been met at this time," Carne said.

Because of this, the trade agreement will likely not be "unfrozen" today, but it will be discussed, she explained.

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