EU replies to "when and what kind" of solution is possible

The solution to the Kosovo issue, which implies change of borders, is possible only if the EU and the UNSC agree on it, beside Belgrade and Pristina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 27.09.2018.


EU replies to
(Getty Images, file, illustration)

EU replies to "when and what kind" of solution is possible

When asked by Tanjug about the position regarding a possible border correction as part of the solution to the Kosovo issue, he said that the EU was "aware of the possibility of exchanging territories and moving borders."

"As the EU we are here to facilitate the dialogue, but we are very aware of this debate. Indeed, in the end, such a solution is only possible if both sides agree, if it is in line with the policy of regional stability, in accordance with international law, and if, among others, the EU and the UN Security Council agree with it." McAllister told Tanjug.

He stressed that in this process has a long way to go and pointed out to "the commitment of presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci to find a viable solution."

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