"Soldiers' boots will be needed to move Kosovo's borders"

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj says even discussing "the issue of Kosovo's borders" is "dangerous for the stability of the region."

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 20.09.2018.


(EPA, file)

"Soldiers' boots will be needed to move Kosovo's borders"

"Borders of Kosovo were established by (soldiers') boots, not at tables and in talk... if they are moved, boots of many soldiers from both sides will be required once again," Haradinaj is quoted as telling Tirana-based broadcaster Klan.

He also stated that he would not accept any agreement with Belgrade that encourages "change of borders," adding that he does not consider such a plan to be serious.

"After everything that has happened, I cannot believe President (Hashim) Thaci considered that to be a serious project. I think this is part of his political tactics," Haradinaj concluded.

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