President apologizes to Italian PM

Serbian President Boris Tadić late on Wednesday apologized to Italy's PM Silvio Berlusconi over incidents in Genoa on Tuesday.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 14.10.2010.


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Serbian President Boris Tadic late on Wednesday apologized to Italy's PM Silvio Berlusconi over incidents in Genoa on Tuesday. Red Star hooligans caused clashed which eventually led to the match between Serbia and Italy to be called off. President apologizes to Italian PM The two spoke over the telephone and agreed that "this episode should not affect the friendly relations between Serbia and Italy", the Italian news agency ANSA reports. Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic also apologized, to his Italian counterpart Franco Frattini, underscoring that the Serbian government will not hesitate to apply radical measures against those responsible for the outbreak of violence as soon as they get identified. According to reports, Italian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Alfredo Mantica, who was in Belgrade on Wednesday attending a business forum, commented by saying that "nothing can sour good relations between Italy and Serbia", and that "those who perhaps thought otherwise were wrong". Boris Tadic (Tanjug, file)

President apologizes to Italian PM

The two spoke over the telephone and agreed that "this episode should not affect the friendly relations between Serbia and Italy", the Italian news agency ANSA reports.

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić also apologized, to his Italian counterpart Franco Frattini, underscoring that the Serbian government will not hesitate to apply radical measures against those responsible for the outbreak of violence as soon as they get identified.

According to reports, Italian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Alfredo Mantica, who was in Belgrade on Wednesday attending a business forum, commented by saying that "nothing can sour good relations between Italy and Serbia", and that "those who perhaps thought otherwise were wrong".

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