Solana: Serbia has chosen European path

Javier Solana says Boris Tadić’s election victory is “a sign the majority of citizens want to resume the European path.”

Izvor: B92

Monday, 04.02.2008.


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Javier Solana says Boris Tadic’s election victory is “a sign the majority of citizens want to resume the European path.” “Europe is very pleased about this, and we’ll continue to work together with Serbia, and we want Serbia to continue its European path, as do the majority of citizens,” the EU high representative told reporters, adding that it would mean Serbia receiving EU candidate status. Solana: Serbia has chosen European path Solana focused particular attention on the high voter turnout at yesterday’s ballot. Asked whether he felt that there was a danger of a government crisis and early elections, he replied that he “couldn’t answer that.” “We need to see how things pan out, and if it will be possible to sustain the coalition that they (in Serbia) feel is the best way to proceed,” the EU high representative continued. “It’s not my job no talk about that today. What I have done is congratulate President Tadic and the Serbian people on the excellent turnout, that was very impressive and testifies to the fact that they (people in Serbia) have gone about their business in force since they realized that these were very important elections,“ said Solana. Asked what message he had for the Kosovo Albanians after the elections in Serbia, he said that he “can’t give messages to just anyone“ and that “a solution for Kosovo must be found“ without further delay, “but with the aim of stability in the Balkans.“ In response to a journalist’s question as to whether the EU intended to sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Serbia first, before deciding to send a mission to Kosovo, Solana replied that the agreement had already been initialed and that it was “on the table.“ The high representative added that he would discuss these matters with Tadic later in the day. Javier Solana (FoNet, archive) Slovenia congratulates Tadic on victory Serbia has an open road to a European future, says Dimitrij Rupel, congratulating President Boris Tadic on his victory. Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council Janez Jansa also congratulated Tadic last night on his election victory and wished him every success, adding that the result could be interpreted as a reflection of the desire and determination of Serbia’s democratic forces to accelerate towards their aim of EU membership. As far as the criteria Serbia has to meet on that path are concerned, Jansa is convinced that they will be fulfilled quickly. The Slovenian president promised Tadic that Serbia could count on Slovenia’s full support on that road, saying that Slovenia wished to further strengthen multilateral relations with Serbia. Meanwhile, Rupel, Slovenian foreign minister, said that the reports of high voter turnout at the elections were encouraging. “Expectations that Serbia would work towards EU cooperation more determinedly were well founded. It’s now time for the EU to support democratic and pro-European actors in Serbian politics,“ said Rupel, adding that Slovenia has consistently advocated Serbia’s EU integration. “Serbia has an open path to its European future. Serbia has important potentials that can hasten EU integration. First things first, while respecting the conditions set, we’re going to conclude the Stabilization and Association Agreement, but we want Serbia to become a candidate country as soon as possible and begin negotiations with the EU,“ said the Slovenian foreign minister.

Solana: Serbia has chosen European path

Solana focused particular attention on the high voter turnout at yesterday’s ballot.

Asked whether he felt that there was a danger of a government crisis and early elections, he replied that he “couldn’t answer that.”

“We need to see how things pan out, and if it will be possible to sustain the coalition that they (in Serbia) feel is the best way to proceed,” the EU high representative continued.

“It’s not my job no talk about that today. What I have done is congratulate President Tadić and the Serbian people on the excellent turnout, that was very impressive and testifies to the fact that they (people in Serbia) have gone about their business in force since they realized that these were very important elections,“ said Solana.

Asked what message he had for the Kosovo Albanians after the elections in Serbia, he said that he “can’t give messages to just anyone“ and that “a solution for Kosovo must be found“ without further delay, “but with the aim of stability in the Balkans.“

In response to a journalist’s question as to whether the EU intended to sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Serbia first, before deciding to send a mission to Kosovo, Solana replied that the agreement had already been initialed and that it was “on the table.“

The high representative added that he would discuss these matters with Tadić later in the day.

Slovenia congratulates Tadić on victory

Serbia has an open road to a European future, says Dimitrij Rupel, congratulating President Boris Tadić on his victory.

Slovenian Prime Minister and President of the European Council Janez Janša also congratulated Tadić last night on his election victory and wished him every success, adding that the result could be interpreted as a reflection of the desire and determination of Serbia’s democratic forces to accelerate towards their aim of EU membership.

As far as the criteria Serbia has to meet on that path are concerned, Janša is convinced that they will be fulfilled quickly.

The Slovenian president promised Tadić that Serbia could count on Slovenia’s full support on that road, saying that Slovenia wished to further strengthen multilateral relations with Serbia.

Meanwhile, Rupel, Slovenian foreign minister, said that the reports of high voter turnout at the elections were encouraging.

“Expectations that Serbia would work towards EU cooperation more determinedly were well founded. It’s now time for the EU to support democratic and pro-European actors in Serbian politics,“ said Rupel, adding that Slovenia has consistently advocated Serbia’s EU integration.

“Serbia has an open path to its European future. Serbia has important potentials that can hasten EU integration. First things first, while respecting the conditions set, we’re going to conclude the Stabilization and Association Agreement, but we want Serbia to become a candidate country as soon as possible and begin negotiations with the EU,“ said the Slovenian foreign minister.

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