Vučić met with Sarrazin: Wide range of topics, the vision of modern Serbia presented

Aleksandar Vučić met today with the special envoy of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 26.02.2024.


Vučić met with Sarrazin: Wide range of topics, the vision of modern Serbia presented
Foto: Printscreen/buducnostsrbijeav

Vučić met with Sarrazin: Wide range of topics, the vision of modern Serbia presented

"Good meeting with Manuel Sarrazin. We talked about a wide range of topics, from regional and international relations to the upcoming meetings in Brussels and the development of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija," wrote Vučić on his Instagram account.

"We exchanged opinions on the cooperation between Serbia and Germany, as well as on the European integration of Serbia and the challenges it faces along the way, and I was particularly pleased to present our vision of modern Serbia and the numerous projects we are working on, especially as part of the organization of the upcoming EXPO 2027," he added.

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