Monday, 26.02.2024.


Vučić met with Sarrazin: Wide range of topics, the vision of modern Serbia presented

Aleksandar Vučić met today with the special envoy of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin.

Izvor: B92

Vuèiæ met with Sarrazin: Wide range of topics, the vision of modern Serbia presented IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 3 meseca

What is "Modern Serbia" exactly?
A strange place from monarchy to communist dictatorship to now?
A place where democratic leaders simply get assassinated?
Good luck.


pre 3 meseca

What is "Modern Serbia" exactly?
A strange place from monarchy to communist dictatorship to now?
A place where democratic leaders simply get assassinated?
Good luck.


pre 3 meseca

What is "Modern Serbia" exactly?
A strange place from monarchy to communist dictatorship to now?
A place where democratic leaders simply get assassinated?
Good luck.