The EU will open its borders for the Serbian citizens as of tomorrow, July 1
Today, the EU Council adopted recommendations on the gradual opening of EU borders for citizens of 14 countries as of July 1, including Serbia and Montenegro.
Tuesday, 30.06.2020.

The EU will open its borders for the Serbian citizens as of tomorrow, July 1
The recommendations are based on assessments of the epidemiological situation, which will be made every two weeks, but in the event of a sudden deterioration of the situation in a country, a "quick decision" procedure can be applied, the EU Council said in a statement.The main criterion is that the number of new infections per 100.000 inhabitants in the last 14 days will be "close to or below the EU average" on June 15, when the average number of new infections in the EU per 100.000 inhabitants was 16.
A stable or declining trend of new infections is also required.
The third criterion refers to the overall response of each country to the epidemic, including testing, monitoring and reporting, as well as the reliability and availability of data in the third countries, and information provided by EU delegations from those countries will be taken into account.
The list also includes Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, South Korea, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay. China also meets the criteria, but it will be possible to enter the EU from that country if Beijing lifts the ban on the entry of EU citizens.
Citizens of Monaco, Andorra, San Marino and the Vatican are treated the same as EU citizens.
The list and entry criteria refer to trips that are not necessary. The recommendations are not legally binding as the responsibility for border management rests exclusively with the Member States.
Citizens of EU Member States as well as third-country nationals legally resident in the EU and members of their families can still enter the EU from third countries.
Restrictions do not apply to certain categories of persons, such as health workers, workers in border areas and persons working on the transport of goods.
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