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Netanyahu's confirmation also arrived: An agreed ceasefire

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked US President-elect Donald Trump and outgoing President Joseph Biden tonight for helping secure a ceasefire with Hamas that will lead to the release of hostages.

Izvor: Tanjug

Netanyahu's confirmation also arrived: An agreed ceasefire
Profimedia/Nir Elias-POOL/SIPA/2407141018


According to a statement from the prime minister's office, Netanyahu spoke with and thanked Trump for helping to advance the release of the hostages and helping Israel end the suffering of dozens of hostages and their families, The Times of Israel reported.

Netanyahu thanked Trump for today's statement, in which he said that "Gaza will never again become a terrorist haven." The two agreed to meet soon in Washington, the office added.

Netanyahu also spoke by phone with Biden and "also thanked him for his help with the hostage agreement."

The announcement from Netanyahu's office is the first public confirmation by the Israeli government that Israel has accepted the US-Qatari ceasefire in exchange for the release of the hostages, which will take effect on Sunday.

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