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"We are being targeted..."; And there are Russians there

Israel targeted two border crossings connecting Lebanon with Syria early this morning, Lebanese Transport Minister Ali Hamieh said.

Izvor: Tanjug, B92

"We are being targeted..."; And there are Russians there


The strikes took place just across the border, on the Syrian side of the Arida crossing in northern Lebanon and the Youssieh crossing that connects eastern Lebanon, Hamieh said, according to Reuters.

Both crossings are important access points to Syria's Homs province, where Syrian rebels are trying to advance against government forces, following a heavy offensive in northern Syria, the agency said.

The conflict in Syria has further complicated the already fragile geopolitical situation. Namely, Russia provides military and political support to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, while the Islamic rebels who have captured Aleppo and the city of Hama are supported and armed by Turkey, which is a member of NATO.

It has already been announced on social media that the Russians have begun withdrawing their warships from the Syrian port, which is located close to cities where Islamic rebels and Bashar al-Assad's forces are fighting fiercely.

This very Russian military base is considered crucial for Russian military forces, which, due to losses in Ukraine, withdrew the Black Sea Fleet stationed near Crimea.


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