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The protest in Amsterdam got out of control: There was a violent conflict, over 125 people arrested VIDEO

Dutch riot police broke up a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Amsterdam this morning, arresting about 125 people in the somewhat violent clashes, authorities said.


The protest in Amsterdam got out of control: There was a violent conflict, over 125 people arrested VIDEO
EPA-EFE/Eva Plevier


In posts posted overnight on X social media, police said they had to act to stop the event and dismantle tents set up by protesters who were violent towards police.

Namely, as can be seen in one of the videos, the violent clashes occurred after the Arab migrants joined the protest, who initially wanted to physically deal with the pro-Israel university students.

"The police raid was necessary to restore order. We see the footage on social media. We understand that the footage may seem intense," the police said.

Local media showed protesters shooting pyrotechnics at police, but there were no immediate reports of injuries on either side.

"All is quiet now... police remain near the Rothers Island campus," police said later.

Outgoing Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf said universities are a place for dialogue and debate and he was disappointed the police had to intervene.



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