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The prosecutor requested: Maximum sentences for Kecmanović

The Chief Public Prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, Nenad Stefanović, asked the court to sentence Vladimir and Miljana Kecmanović, the parents of the boy K.K., to the maximum legal penalties.

Izvor: Tanjug

The prosecutor requested: Maximum sentences for Kecmanović
Antonio Ahel/ATAImages


Just to recall that on May 3, 2023, in "Vladislav Ribnikar" elementary school, K.K. shot dead nine students and a security worker of that school and injured five more students and a history teacher.

Presenting his closing speech at the trial before the High Court in Belgrade, Stefanović, as we have learned, proposed for Vladimir Kecmanović 12 years in prison for the Felony against general security and three years in prison for the criminal offense of Neglecting and abusing a minor, i.e. a single sentence of a total of 14 years and 11 months in prison.

For Miljana Kecmanović, he proposed two and a half years in prison and a fine of 500,000 dinars for the criminal offense of Unauthorized production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosive substances and three years in prison for neglecting the abuse of a minor, i.e. a single prison sentence of five years and five months.

The chief public prosecutor of the VJT in Belgrade proposed a maximum sentence of three years in prison for the shooting instructor Nemanja Marinković for the criminal offense of giving false testimony.

In addition, he also requested that the court extend Kecmanović's detention, with the explanation that he could repeat the crime if he was free and that this would disturb the public. He also demanded that all firearms in his possession be confiscated.

For Miljana Kecmanović, the Chief Prosecutor proposed an extension of the ban on approaching, meeting or communicating with her son, who committed a mass murder, because the circumstances for which this measure was imposed and extended have not lost their significance.

Prosecutors Ivan Jevtić and Nikola Uskoković gave the closing words at the trial before Stefanović, explaining the evidence and the guilt of the accused. In the continuation of the trial, closing arguments will be presented first by the attorneys of the injured party, the injured party, then the defense attorneys of the accused and the accused.

After that, the court will determine the date for the first-instance verdict.

Before the closing arguments, in the continuation of the trial, the father of a seriously wounded boy was questioned. After his testimony, the judge started reading the written evidence, Tanjug learns.

In the continuation of the trial, it is expected that the closing arguments of the prosecution, defense and attorneys of the injured party will begin. The Prosecutor's Office recently expanded the indictment charging Vladimir Kecmanović with the criminal offense of serious offense against general safety, while the mother was charged with the criminal offense of illegal possession and carrying of weapons.

The expanded indictment followed the interrogation of the minor perpetrator of the murder, K.K., and the Kecmanovićs are charged with the criminal offense of neglecting and abusing a minor. In this case, the boy's parents, Vladimir and Miljana Kecmanović, and shooting range instructor Nemanja Marinković, who is accused of the criminal offense of giving a false statement, are on trial.


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